Date Assigned: 03/07/2018
Commissioned by: Charles Zilinski
Approximate Size: 80" x 14"
Commissioned by: Charles Zilinski
Approximate Size: 80" x 14"
Drawing Information
Date Assigned: 26/05/2012
Presented to: Susan Gibbs / SS United States Conservancy
Approximate Size: 80" x 22"
Presented to: Susan Gibbs / SS United States Conservancy
Approximate Size: 80" x 22"
" "We would be thoroughly delighted if you end up finding the time to draw the SS United States - you are obviously very talented! Perhaps we could figure out a way to promote your work through our website (and vice versa) once the Big U joins your pantheon. Again, thank you so much for making contact with me and for sharing your fantastic work! "
Susan Gibbs
SS United States Conservancy
Susan Gibbs
SS United States Conservancy