drawing information
Date Assigned: 04/09/2011
Artist: H. Cotterill
Presented To: Captain Rob Hempstead
Approximate Size: 90" X 20"
Drawing Reference: RCIFRSEP11
Artist: H. Cotterill
Presented To: Captain Rob Hempstead
Approximate Size: 90" X 20"
Drawing Reference: RCIFRSEP11
"Your generosity and thoughtfulness is amazing and I am honoured and humbled to have received this special gift from you. I have since had the drawing professionally framed, which I received back from the frame shop just a few days ago, and it looks fantastic. I will try to find a place onboard to have it displayed if at all possible. Getting it back to the ship will be a delicate operation as well, as now that it is framed it is quite fragile."
Master of Freedom of the Seas
Captain Rob Hempstead
Master of Freedom of the Seas
Captain Rob Hempstead