![]() During the last week on April 2013 we received a special delivery from our Volunteers @ Sea, John & Marilyn. John & Marilyn have been part of our Volunteers @ Sea team since 2011 and have willingly presented our drawings aboard Norwegian Pearl, Norwegian Star, Oosterdam and Celebrity Summit. The special package delivered on April 29th 2013 which came all the ways from Seattle in the United States included a range of ship items, some of which were presented to John & Marilyn from Captains in return for our drawings. The gifts included; a Norwegian Star plaque, Holland America Line plaque, two Royal Caribbean International caps, key rings and pens, a Royal Caribbean International wallet, a Royal Caribbean International Crown & Anchor Society photo frame and a printed photograph of the drawing presentation aboard Celebrity Summit. In total there items had a value of more than $100 and cost more than $60.00 to package and ship from the United States to the UK. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester, said: “I would like to extend a special thank you to our Volunteers @ Sea, John & Marilyn for sending us this special package. It was a great surprise and we will be sure to treasure all of the items!” He added: “John & Marilyn have played a vital part in the development and growth of Dream Designs Colchester and we are delighted to have had them work on our behalf and look forward to working with them again shortly.” ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected]
![]() We’re very excited to take this opportunity to officially announce our next forthcoming ship visit and planned drawing presentation, which will take place in just 6 days time. On May 30th 2013, Dream Designs Colchester are to visit Costa Fortuna whilst the vessel is berthed alongside the Cruise Terminal at Harwich International Port. Visiting Costa Fortuna will be Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester and his father Brain Cotterill. Dream Designs Colchester has had a connection with Costa Cruises since 2009. Our drawings have now been presented aboard 6 of their ships including, Costa Magica, Costa Atlantica, Costa Pacifica, Costa Luminosa, Costa Delizosa and Costa neoRomantica. Our executive staff members have had the opportunity to visit 3 of these 6 Costa Cruises vessels, all of which were whilst the vessels where berthed at Harwich International Port. ![]() Right to Left: Brian Cotterill, Dream Designs Colchester, Shaun Lyons, Sales Manager North Costa Crociere S.p.A. UK, Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester, Lara Newell, Sales Manager South Costa Crociere S.p.A. UK and Diane Cotterill, Dream Designs Colchester take the opportunity to have a photograph taken together with Costa Deliziosa in the background
Via social media we've been in touch with Captain Paolo Fusarini, who Harry Cotterill and Gavin Pamment, Chief Photographer Dream Designs Colchester met at Harwich International on September 4th 2012. Captain Paolo Fusarini has been kind enough to get in touch with the Master of Costa Fortuna on our behalf and send on our request to visit Costa Fortuna on May 30th 2013. We recently received confirmation from Captain Paolo Fusarini that the Master of Costa Fortuna is happy for us to visit. Captain Paolo Fusarini also helped us to confirm our recent visit aboard Costa Pacifica on April 29th 2013. During our visit aboard Costa Fortuna we endeavour to meet with the Master of the vessel and officially present our brand new especially assigned drawing of the vessel. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester, said: “It is great that we are able to continue our close connection with Costa Cruises and visit yet another of their fantastic vessels. We’re very much looking forward to visiting Costa Fortuna at Harwich International Port on May 30th 2013 and can’t wait to meet the Captain and officially present our latest drawing.” ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] ![]() On May 4th 2013 we received a wonderful email from the Master of Oriana, Captain David Pembridge. Earlier this year on March 26th 2013, our especially assigned drawing of Oriana was officially presented to the Captain on our behalf by our newest Volunteer @ Sea, Peter. The Captain later emailed us to say thank you for our drawing and kindly attached a copy of the photograph which the ship's on board photographer took during the officially drawing presentation! Captain David Pembridge thought our drawing was very detailed and was pleased to see we had included the new 'duck tail' into the drawing. He also informed us that we was looking for a suitable place on board Oriana to display our drawing. We were very surprised to received an email from the Captain personally. In his latest email he was kind enough to inform us that our especially assigned drawing of Oriana is now officially displayed aboard in the Captain's Office! Captain David Pembridge, said: " The drawing is now in place on the bulkhead behind my desk in my office, as it was on Aurora." He added: " It is wonderful that you have so much interest in our ships and that you are able to create such accurate drawings of them. I am so pleased that I have now been able to be the recipient of two." ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] ![]() Dream Designs Colchester was honoured to recently receive an invitation from Princess Cruises, inviting Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester and a guest to visit the brand new Royal Princess in Southampton on June 9th 2013. We were of course delighted to accept the invitation! Harry Cotterill will be joined aboard Royal Princess by Gavin Pamment, Chief Photographer, Dream Designs Colchester. Dream Designs Colchester’s connection with Princess Cruises first began in November 2010, following the presentation of our drawing aboard Grand Princess by one of our loyal supporters, Nancy Speltz. We have now developed a close connection with Princess Cruises and our loyal supporters have presented our drawings on our behalf aboard Grand Princess, Ruby Princess, Sapphire Princess and most recently aboard Golden Princess on December 22nd 2012. At Dream Designs Colchester we are thrilled to have been invited to visit Princess Cruises' newest ship just 4 days before it is officially named in Southampton by The Duchess of Cambridge. We have taken the time to especially assign a drawing of the brand new Royal Princess and we intend to officially present the drawing to the Master of Royal Princess, Captain Tony Draper, during our visit aboard in Southampton. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester, said: " We are very excited to be visiting Princess Cruises' brand new Royal Princess and were delighted to accepted the invitation to visit the ship in Southampton." ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] ![]() At Dream Designs Colchester we are very pleased to announce that we have again broken our monthly website records, exceeding the previous highest recorded in March 2013. In total during the course of April 2013 the Dream Design Colchester website and ‘Our Blog’ page received a total of 19,457 Page Views and 15,522 Unique Visitors. These exceptionally high and impressive figures were the result of what was a very important and extremely busy month for Dream Designs Colchester. Most significantly was our 50th Milestone Celebrations, which celebrated our drawings being presented aboard 50 different ships across the world. We were thankful to the Metro Newspaper and East Anglian Daily Times which both helped raise awareness of our website and drawings by publishing an article in the newspapers. April 2013 also saw our 4th Corporate Cruise, which was aboard P&O Cruises’ Azura. In addition to this the end of the month saw our first three ship visits of 2013 aboard MSC Magnifica, Costa Pacifica and the brand new Norwegian Breakaway.
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] ![]() On April 30th 2013, Dream Designs Colchester had the great honour of visiting the brand new 146,000 tonne, Norwegian Breakaway, during her inaugural call at Southampton. We spent an awful lot of time working hard to secure a visit aboard Norwegian Breakaway and communicated with Norwegian Cruise Line many times. In the end we were invited aboard by the Master of Norwegian Breakaway, Captain Evans Hoyt, who which we corresponded with via social media. Captain Evans Hoyt was very interested in our drawing of Norwegian Breakaway we were delighted when he invited Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester and his father Brain Cotterill to visit Norwegian Breakaway in Southampton on April 30th 2013. Harry and father took the decision to travel to Southampton the day prior to the visit, on April 29th 2013 and stayed overnight in Christchurch, which is nearby to Southampton. On the way they stopped off at Mayflower Park in Southampton to see Norwegian Breakaway before boarding the vessel the following morning. On the morning of April 30th 2013, Harry and his father arrived at Mayflower Park at approximately 09:50. Here they took the opportunity to take some more photographs of Norwegian Breakaway but also unveiled our especially assigned drawing of the ship which received quite a bit of attention from on lookers and photographers! Following this Harry and Brian arrived at City Cruise Terminal not long after 10:30 where they were directed to the Passes Office to collect their passes to board Norwegian Breakaway. They then made their way through security and along the passenger boarding gangway before boarding just before 10:40. Boarding the vessel on Deck 5, Harry and his father made their way to the Atrium on Deck 6 where they visited Guest Services and got a plan of the ship to help find their way around. Once they had been given the plan of Norwegian Breakaway they made their way up to Deck 18 at the bow of the vessel. Here they had a great view of Southampton, together with the upper decks of Norwegian Breakaway, most noticeably the Aqua Park. Harry and Brian explored the majority of the various upper public decks of Norwegian Breakaway for close to an hour, taking a close look at the various passenger facilities, including the Waves Pool, Aqua Park and impressive water slides the Sport Complex, including the 'Plank', and Spice H2O before stopping of in the Garden Café on Deck 15 for a short break and sample the food and drink on offer at the buffet. Following this short break, they continued touring Norwegian Breakaway, making their way to the forward end of Deck 15, where they were given an in depth guided tour of the Spa and Fitness Center which includes the first ever Salt Room at sea. They also had a quick look at Splash Academy on Deck 12 & 13, which is one of the largest children’s facilities currently at sea. Next Harry and his father made their way down to 678 Ocean Place, a combination of three decks of passenger facilities, connected in the center of the ship by an open atrium like area. They started on Deck 8 where they explored the Waterfront. This is a spectacular external walkway which wraps around the ship, with almost countless facilities leading on to it, including various bars, lounges, restaurant and boutiques. This innovative design allows passengers to have a closer connection to the sea and breaks away from tradition. After exploring the Waterfront and the other facilities on Deck 8, they went to explore Deck 6 & 7, including The Manhattan Room Restaurant at the stern and the Breakaway Casino, along with the various other facilities. In total Norwegian Breakaway has a breathtaking 27 different dining venues located throughout the 13 passenger decks. Whilst explore 678 Ocean Place, Harry and his father took the opportunity to have a photograph taken in the central atrium area connecting the three decks, together with our especially assigned drawing of Norwegian Breakaway. Upon finishing their self-guided tour of the huge ship, Harry and Brian made their way to Guest Services in order to attempt to meet with the Master of Norwegian Breakaway, Captain Evans Hoyt. Unfortunately as this was the maiden voyage, Guest Services were extremely busy dealing with embarking passengers. Very unexpectedly Julie Payne, Project Manager, Norwegian Breakaway Inaugural recognised Harry and introduced herself to Harry and his father Brian, whilst they were in the atrium. Julie Payne was kind enough to call through to the bridge and a short while later Harry and Brain were met by the ship’s Group Services Coordinator who escorted them both to the bridge on Deck 14. Upon entering the bridge they were quickly taken over and introduced to Captain Evans Hoyt who helped secure our visit aboard Norwegian Breakaway in Southampton. Whilst on the bridge Harry had the opportunity to officially present his especially assigned drawing of Norwegian Breakaway to the the Master of Norwegian Breakaway, Captain Evans Hoyt, Staff Captain, Niklas Persson and was of course joined by his proud father, Brian Cotterill. ![]() Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester officially presents his especially assigned drawing of Norwegian Breakaway to the Captain Evans Hoyt and Staff Captain Niklas Persson whilst joined by his father Brian Cotterill on the bridge of the vessel during their visit aboard in Southampton on April 30th 2013
Captain Evans Hoyt seemed very impressed with our drawing of Norwegian Breakaway and showed a particularly interest in the recreation of Peter Max's hull art design. He also informed us that he will endeavour to find a suitable location on board to display the drawing! Upon leaving the bridge, Captain Evans Hoty wished Harry and his father goodbye and Staff Captain, Niklas Persson very kindly gave Harry and his father Brain each an Norwegian Breakaway Inaugural Cap. Following the officially drawing presentation and after leaving the bridge the Group Services Coordinator escorted Harry and Brian to the disembarkation gangway which was situated at the stern of the vessel on Deck 5. They both disembarked Norwegian Breakaway at approximately 14:15. Following their their visit aboard Norwegian Breakaway, Harry and his father spent the afternoon in Southampton, before watching the ship depart City Cruise Terminal on her maiden voyage to New York City. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester, said: " Norwegian Breakaway was a truly spectacular ship and it was a great honour for my father and I to both personally visit the brand new vessel during her inaugural visit to Southampton on April 30th 2013. We were very impressed by Norwegian Cruise Line’s latest addition to the fleet and proud to be part of their inaugural celebrations." He added: " We would both like to extend our utmost thanks and appreciation to the Master of Norwegian Breakaway, Captain Evans Hoyt for his assistance and help in securing our visit aboard. It was a true pleasure and honour to be able to meet with him on the bridge and officially present our especially assigned drawing of Norwegian Breakaway to him." You can see more photos from our visit to Norwegian Breakaway on our new 'April 30th 2013' page in the 'Our History' section of the Dream Designs Colchester wesbite!ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] ![]() It is now just two weeks to go until our Volunteers @ Sea, Debbie & Earl embark on their very own cruise aboard Carnival Cruise Line’s Carnival Victory. Departing Miami on May 27th 2013, Debbie & Earl will sail around the Caribbean on their 5 night cruise. During their time aboard it is hope they will be able to meet with the Captain and officially present our especially assigned drawing of Carnival Victory on behalf of Dream Designs Colchester. The drawing was sent to them some time ago and arrived at their home in Kansas City, United States, last month. Debbie & Earl have previously presented our drawings aboard three other Carnival Cruise Line ships in the past, including Carnival Dream, Carnival Freedom and Carnival Liberty. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester, said: " We are very exciting about our upcoming drawing presentation aboard Carnival Cruise Line's Carnival Victory later this month and we are thrilled to have Debbie & Earl presenting our brand new especially assigned drawing on behalf of Dream Designs Colchester again." ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] ![]() On April 29th 2013, we were delighted when we had the opportunity to visit Costa Pacifica at Harwich International Port. At 114,500 tonnes Costa Pacifica is the largest cruise ship ever to visit Harwich International Port. This particular call at the Port was the second time the ship had berthed at the Cruise Terminal, following her maiden call on May 16th 2012. We were able to secure permission to visit Costa Pacifica due to our personal correspondence with a Captain of another Costa Cruises’ vessel, which we met previously at Harwich International Port. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester was joined on board Costa Pacifica with his father, Brian Cotterill. Unfortunately the visit was confirmed just a few days before Costa Pacifica arrived at Harwich International Port and as a result we were unable to especially assign a brand new drawing of the vessel as originally intended. Harry Cotterill and his father arrived at Harwich International Port at approximately 09:20 and took the opportunity to take a number of photographs of the ship before entering the Cruise Terminal at 09:25. After collecting their passes, on this particularly day on the gangway, they were able to make their way on board Costa Pacifica, were they requested a member of the ship’s crew to call through to the Captain / bridge. Unfortunately the Captain was asleep and was not at that time available. As a result Harry and Brian were invited to tour the ship at their leisure and return back to the gangway where a crew member would see if the Captain was available. Boarding on Deck 2, Harry and Brian made their way to the forward stairwell before climbing all the way up to Deck 14 via the stairs. For the majority of their time aboard there were no elevators working, due to what was stated as an ‘Emergency Black Out Drill’. The tour of the vessel started with a look at the various passengers facilities on the upper decks of Costa Pacifica, including the Samsara Wellness Center and the impressive Calypso Pool and Ipanema Pool with their retractable roofs. After exploring the upper decks, the tour continued to the top of the Welcome Atrium, before making the way down to the lower public decks. Here Harry and his father explored yet more passenger facilities, including the three high deck Stardust Theatre, various bars, lounges and restaurants, including the May Way Restaurant and the New York New York Restaurant. Before making their way back to the gangway where they had board the Costa Pacifica, they also had a chance to take a look at the lifeboat deck on Deck 4. Following this they made their way to Deck 2, to the gangway. At the gangway the Security Officer again called the Captain but was unable to get an answer. He spoke to an Officer on the bridge and in the end Harry and his father were taken to the bridge, but were not allowed to enter or take photographs. Here, just outside the bridge, Harry handed over an old, previously assigned drawing of Costa Pacifica, which was assigned in August 2010. We had in fact already had a drawing presented aboard Costa Pacifica on May 16th 2012, during the vessels first call at Harwich International Port. We did not have the chance to visit the ship, but a member of staff from the Port took the drawing aboard on our behalf. Following the handover of the old drawing Harry and Brian were escorted back to the gangway by the Security Office, where they decided to disembark at approximately 11:45. They were welcome to stay aboard the vessel until later that afternoon, when the Captain might have been available to meet them, but due to their planned visit in Southampton the following day we were unable to stay aboard any longer. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Design Colchester, said: " My father and I thoroughly enjoyed our visit aboard Costa Pacifica and were very thankful to the Captain and crew for allowing us to visit. We also want to extend our appreciate to the Captain of the other Costa Cruises' vessel who helped arrange the visit. He added: " Despite not being able to meet with the Captain on this particular occasion we had an excellent time touring the ship ourselves. We look forward to continuing our connection and friendship with Costa Cruises." Visit our new 'April 29th 2013' page in the 'Our History' section of our website to read and see even more!ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] ![]() MSC Cruises' MSC Magnifica at Harwich International Port On April 26th 2013, Dream Designs Colchester had the pleasure of joining a number of Travel Agents on a visit aboard MSC Magnifica whilst the vessel was berthed alongside the Cruise Terminal at Harwich International Port. We contacted MSC Cruises sometime before to request permission to visit the ship, as well as offer to officially presented our drawing of MSC Magnifica to the Captain during the visit. MSC Cruises were kind enough to accept our request and granted us permission to visit the ship along with the Travel Agents at Harwich International Port. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester was joined aboard by his father, Brian Cotterill. Visitors were asked to arrive at the Cruise Terminal at Harwich International Port at 10:30 before embarking aboard MSC Magnifica at 11:00. We arrived a little earlier so that we had the opportunity to take a number of photographs of the ship before boarding. At approximately 11:00 visitors were invited to make their way through security before boarding MSC Magnifica shortly afterward. Upon boarding we were asked to wait in the Ruby Bar on Deck 6, before we were escorted to the L’Ametista Lounge at the stern of the vessel on Deck 7. Here visitors were invited to relax and enjoy a glass or two of champagne or fruit punch, together with light refreshments, together with a presentation and Q&A session. After the presentation and Q&A session, the Master of MSC Magnifica, Captain Antonio Siviero was welcomed in the L’Ametista Lounge and Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester was invited to join him on stage to officially present his especially assigned drawing of MSC Magnifica. Captain Antonio Siviero was very impressed with the drawing and informed us that he will find a place to hang the drawing aboard MSC Magnifica. In return for our drawing the Captain kindly presented us with a beautiful model of the ship! The Captain also took a moment to address the Travel Agents visitors and thank them for their interest in MSC Cruises and to wish us a good time on board. Once the drawing presentation was the Captain wished all the visitors goodbye and shortly afterwards at approximately 12:00 we were invited to begin our escorted tour of MSC Magnifica. Our guided tour of MSC Magnifica began with the opportunity to view three different stateroom categories, which we were very lucky to get to see. The two staterooms included an Inside Stateroom (11038) a Balcony Family Suite (12050) and a Deluxe Suite (15015. Our tour continued throughout the upper decks of MSC Magnifica, including opportunity visitors the opportunity to view the different pool areas, lounges and various other facilities, including the truly breathtaking MSC Aurea Spa on Deck 13. After exploring the upper decks of the ship, our tour continued on the lower public decks of MSC Magnifica, Deck 5,6 & 7. Here visitors got to take a lot at yet more lounges and other facilities, including the spectacular Royal Theater and the ship's main lobby / atrium. The guided tour ended at approximate 13:00 on Deck 5 in the L'Edera Restaurant, were all visitors we invited to enjoy lunch aboard MSC Magnifica. Following lunch at 14:00 visitors we taken to the Tiger Lounge on Deck 6 to enjoy a tea, coffee or soft drink, before disembarking the vessel at 14:30 Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester, said: " We are very thankful to MSC Cruises for accepting our request to visit MSC Magnifica and for arrange for us to meet with Captain Antonio Siviero and officially present our especially assigned drawing." He added: " Our visit to MSC Magnifica was a fantastic way for us to further our connection and friendship with MSC Cruises, which began last year following our visit to MSC Lirica at Harwich International Port on April 13th 2012. We hope to continue and strengthen this connection over the coming years." You can see even more from our visit to MSC Magnifica, on our new 'April 26th 2013' page in the 'Our History' section of our website!ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] ![]() On April 25th 2013, Dream Designs Colchester and Harry Cotterill were featured in the East Anglian Daily Times newspaper. We were very thankfully to the staff from the East Anglian Daily Times who showed a great level of interest in our work and contacted us to find out more and agreed to put the article together. We are also keen to work together with the press to further our awareness. Below is a copy of the print version of the article which was featured in the East Anglian Daily Times newspaper on page 14. Simply click on the image and it will then appear larger! ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] |
Harry CotterillHarry Cotterill set up his blog when he was just 16-years old, making him one of the youngest cruise bloggers in the world. In later years he became known across the world for his amazing talent of drawing cruise ships! Blog Archive
May 2024