![]() Commodore Giuseppe Romano Thanks Us Last week we received another lovely e-mail, this time from the Commodore of the Princess Cruises fleet, Commodore Giuseppe Romano. In the e-mail Commodore Giuseppe Romano said " Congratulations with the drawing of the Ruby Princess. Beautiful and very professionally done. We are all very impressed here on board the Ruby Princess." He added, " I want to let you know that we are framing your drawing and posting it in a suitable location for all to see. We will be attaching your story as well." Check out the link below where you can read more about the drawing which was taken aboard Ruby Princess back in October. Sue Miller a fellow follower of ours kindly agreed to take the drawing aboard on our behalf http://dreamdesignscolchester.weebly.com/2/post/2010/11/princess-fleet-commodore-receives-drawing.html Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director Dream Designs Colchester said "It was a great surprise to receive such a wonderful e-mail from Commodore Giuseppe Romano last week."
He added, "We are so happy to hear that our drawing will be framed and displayed aboard Ruby Princess for guests to enjoy!" For more information please Contact Us on the following details Harry Cotterill - President & Managing Director [email protected] 07778940245
![]() On Monday 8th November 2010 another of our drawings was taken aboard the Princess Cruises’ vessel, Grand Princess. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director Dream Designs Colchester asked Nancy Speltz, a follower of his, who lives in California if she would be kind enough to present a drawing to the Captain of the Grand Princess. Nancy so kindly agreed to do so. She has been following our progress for quite some time now. Before presenting the drawing to Captain Roger Bilton,Nancy said " She looks marvelous and I will be so proud to hand her over to the captain. Thank you Harry" At the start of the cruise, Nancy had the chance to meet with the Captain of Grand Princess, Roger Bilton, where she also had the opportunity to present Harry’s drawing. A few days ago we had a lovely e-mail from Captain Roger Bilton. He said " I have to say that Grand Princess is depicted beautifully and certainly I can appreciate the time and effort that went into doing it. I also have to say that it is incredibly detailed. I, my Navigation officers and the Chief Engineer spent some time studying it and as yet we have still to find anything missing or added." He added, " In truth we have yet to put it on display. We feel that it warrants somewhere special, but because of it’s size we are limited as to display availability and a decision has still to be reached. I do assure you though that we will find a suitable hanging for it." Captain Roger Bilton also informed us that he had recently contacted Princess Cruises's Corporate Offices in Santa Clarita and that they have asked for the drawing to be sent there, as they are very interested and might possibly even display it on the Princess Cruises website. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director Dream Designs Colchester said " It was such a lovely surprise to receive the e-mail from Captain Roger Bilton earlier this week. I was so pleased to hear that he was so impressed by the drawing which Nancy kindly took aboard on behalf of us." Harry added "I must also add that we were delighted when Nancy agreed to take the drawing aboard on our behalf. She has delivered with great success and we are very grateful for her help! Thank you, Nancy!" You can see more photos of our drawing of Grand Princess by clicking here. For more information please Contact Us on the following details
Harry Cotterill - President & Managing Director [email protected] 07778940245 ![]() Queen Mary 2 berthed at Southampton A dream come true for Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director Dream Designs Colchester when he was lucky enough to voyage on the Cunard Line’s Queen Mary 2. Harry stayed in a hotel in the City of Southampton the day previously to the voyage. The P&O Cruises’ vessel Artemis was berthed at Mayflower Cruise Terminal on Sunday 7th November 2010. Artemis was due to leave her berth at Southampton Sunday evening, but her departure was delayed until the following afternoon. The stricken vessel was manoeuvred to Ocean Terminal assisted by 3 tugs. ![]() Artemis Departs Southampton Due to Artemis having a delayed departure the Queen Mary 2 was forced to berth at the old QE2 Terminal where her predecessor Queen Elizabeth often berthed. Queen Mary 2 was originally due to berth at Mayflower Cruise Terminal which was later changed to Ocean Terminal before being changed again to the QE2 Terminal. Queen Mary 2’s new fleet mate Queen Elizabeth was also berthed in Southampton on Monday 8th November 2010, along with the Royal Caribbean International cruise ship Independence of the Seas. ![]() Embarking Queen Mary 2 at Southampton Upon embarking Queen Mary 2, passengers were directed to Ocean Terminal, where they had to wait to board the ship. They then encountered quite a wait. All of the passengers boarding the Queen Mary 2 at Southampton where bused to the QE2 Terminal, by just 2 buses! This disorganisation, with the change of the ship’s berthing positions and also the heavy volume of traffic due to the 4 vessels being berthed in Southampton at once, meant Queen Mary 2’s departure was delayed that afternoon. Harry and his father boarded the Queen Mary 2 just after 2pm that afternoon. Artemis left her berth at 4:30pm assisted again by a number of tugs. The muster drill aboard Queen Mary 2 was further delayed until 5:05pm as 500 passengers were still due to board the ship. Eventually the Queen Mary 2’s departure was delayed until 6pm. Harry said " Embarking Queen Mary 2 was quite a performance, with crowds of passengers waiting, queuing, pushing and shoving as they rushed to board the liner! Once we we’re aboard however the level of stress declined. " ![]() Harry Cotterill aboard Queen Mary 2 However the vessel did not begin to manoeuvre until her fleet mate Queen Elizabeth had passed by just after 6pm. Queen Mary 2 finally started to depart her berth at Southampton just after 6:20pm. Harry said " Viewing the Queen Elizabeth aboard her fleet mate Queen Mary 2 was a unique opportunity, with the added excitement of both of the ship’s horns blasting as Queen Elizabeth passed. " He added "Our delayed departure from the berth in Southampton did not effect our arrival in Cherbourg the following morning, due to the short distance between both ports " ![]() Grand Lobby Whilst the Queen Mary 2 was berthed in Cherbourg Harry received a phone call from the Commodore’s secretary. She asked about the drawing which Harry had spoken about to a member of the ship’s crew the pervious day at the Purser Office. Before receiving the phone call Tuesday afternoon Harry had just been to the Purser Office were he left his drawing of Queen Mary 2 for Commodore Bernard Warner. The Commodore’s secretary agreed to meet Harry at the Purser Office to collect his drawing and meet him. However a few moments later Harry receivied another phone call inviting him to the bridge later that evening. For the rest of the afternoon Harry and his father took the time to explore the Queen Mary 2’s numerous passenger amenities. Harry said " After touring the Queen Mary 2 with Stephen Payne in 2007, I had forgotten just how large the ship was! It took a number of hours to tour the ship completely. " At 5:30pm Harry and his father made their way to Stairwell A, Deck 12, where they were met by the Commodore’s secretary. A number of other passengers were also invited to the bridge. Whilst Harry was on the bridge the Deputy Captain introduced himself to Harry, who had seen a drawing of his before aboard another Cunard ship and must have recognised him. Before departing the berth the Commodore’s secretary introduce everyone. Commodore Bernard Warner took to time to speak to Harry and was very impressed with his drawing of Queen Mary 2. A number of the other passengers on the bridge were also interested in his drawing. After speaking to all the passenger Commodore Bernard Warner and his officers began to manoeuvre the Queen Mary 2 away from her berth, assisted by the aid of a tug boat due to the high winds which had suddenly blown in. Harry and his father along with the other passengers were given the special chance to watch the ship depart the berth from the bridge. Harry said "It was a great opportunity to visit the bridge of the Queen Mary 2 and meet Commodore Bernard Warner. I was so pleased that he was delighted with my drawing which I presented to him." Harry and his father spent the rest of their evening visiting the various amenities aboard the liner, such as the Planetarium, the only one at sea! The journey back to Southampton was slightly calmer with force 7 winds and waves of 4 - 7.5 feet. Queen Mary 2 arrived in Southampton this morning, Wednesday 10th November 2010 at 6:30am. Harry and his father enjoyed breakfast before disembarking the vessel just after 7:30am. Harry said "It was an absolutely amazing experience to have the chance to voyage on Queen Mary 2. I am sure this will be the first of many more to come in the future!"
For more information please Contact Us on the following details Harry Cotterill - President & Managing Director [email protected] 07778940245 Today I received this photo from Harwich International Port, which was taken on Wednesday 27th October 2010, when they kindly agreed to take our drawing aboard Thomson Dream and present it to the Captain. You can read more by visiting the following link http://dreamdesignscolchester.weebly.com/2/post/2010/11/thomson-dream-calls-at-harwich.html For more information please Contact Us on the following details
Harry Cotterill - President & Managing Director [email protected] 07778940245 ![]() Ruby Princess On Sunday 24th October 2010 another of our drawings was taken aboard the Princess Curises’ vessel, Ruby Princess. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director Dream Designs Colchester asked Sue Miller, who has been following our progress for over a year, if she would be kind enough to take a drawing aboard with her and present it to the Commodore. Sue Miller was also joined aboard the Ruby Princess by another of our most loyal followers, Sheila Herrington. During the 7 night Caribbean cruise Sue and Sheila were both lucky enough to have the opportunity to join a group of other passengers on the bridge of Ruby Princess where they were able to present our drawing to the Commodore of the Princess Cruises fleet. Both Sue and Sheila informed us that the Commodore was most impressed with Harry’s drawing and his passion for cruise ships. He handed round the newspaper article which Harry had enclosed with the drawing to share with the other passengers during the bridge visit. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director Dream Designs Colchester said: "It was so great to hear that Sue and Sheila had the chance to visit the bridge and present our drawing to the Commodore in person for us. I was also pleased to hear that he took great interest in my work too!" ![]() Harry's Drawing of Ruby Princess The Commodore told both Sue and Sheila that he would find the perfect place to hang the drawing aboard Ruby Princess. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director Dream Designs Colchester added: "We were so delighted that Sue agreed to take the drawing aboard on behalf of us. It was wonderful to hear that Sheila was also able to join Sue as well during the bridge visit along with the other passengers. I was very happy to hear that the drawing will be hung aboard for others to enjoy" We would like to take this opportuntiy to thank both Sue and Sheila for taking the drawing aboard Ruby Princess on behalf of us! For more information please Contact Us on the following details
Harry Cotterill - President & Managing Director [email protected] 07778940245 ![]() Thomson Dream Berthed At Harwich International Port On Wednesday 27th October 2010 the newest addition to the Thomson Cruises fleet, Thomson Dream berthed at Harwich International Port for the first time. ![]() Thomson Dream Departs Harwich Thomson Dream was originally built in 1986 at the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenburg, Germany as Homeric for Home Lines. In 1988 she was sold to Holland America Line and renamed Westerdam. In 1990 the ship was lengthened at the same shipyard in Papenburg, Germany. In 2002 the vessel was transferred to the Costa Cruises fleet and renamed Costa Europe. In April 2010 she left the Costa Cruises fleet on a ten year charter to join the Thomson Cruises fleet under her new name of Thomson Dream. Thomson Dream has an overall length of 243 metres, a beam of 32 metres and a gross tonnage of some 55,000 tonnes. She has 753 passenger cabins with the capacity to carry 1506 passengers with some 600 crew to meet their needs. Thomson Dream berthed alongside at Harwich International Port during the early hours of the morning. All of the guests disembarked along with some 350 crew members before the ship returned out to sea to undergo refurbishment work. Harwich International Port kindly agreed to take our drawing aboard and present it to the Captain on behalf of Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester.
For more information please Contact Us on the following details Harry Cotterill - President & Managing Director [email protected] 07778940245 |
Harry CotterillHarry Cotterill set up his blog when he was just 16-years old, making him one of the youngest cruise bloggers in the world. In later years he became known across the world for his amazing talent of drawing cruise ships! Blog Archive
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