![]() Norwegian Cruise Line's Pride of America Dream Designs Colchester are delighted to have this opportunity to update you on the process of our drawing of Norwegian Cruise Line's Pride of America, which was especially assigned sometime ago in August 2011. A number of weeks after the drawing was assigned, it was later sent to James Bryd, ex Guest Service Supervisor, Pride of America, who had contacted Dream Designs Colchester and kindly offered to present the drawing to the Master of Pride of America, Captain Buz Radican. Later in September 2011 we were informed by James Bryd, ex Guest Service Supervisor, Pride of America, that our especially assigned drawing of Pride of America had arrived at his home in Ohio, United States. However we were also informed that he had now left Norwegian Cruise Line, due to a major change in his career. James Bryd, ex Guest Service Supervisor, Pride of America then informed us that he would contact the crew member who had taken his position aboard Pride of America and ask them if it would be possible for them to present the drawing to Captain Buz Radican. Last week we were contacted by James Bryd, ex Guest Service Supervisor, Pride of America again, who updated us on the progress of the plans for the drawing presentation. We have been informed that Captain Buz Radican is due to retire soon and it has been decided that our drawing would be an ideal retirement gift. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester, said: " It was great to hear from James and to be updated on the plans for the drawing of Pride of America. I personally think presenting our drawing to Captain Buz Radican as a retirement gift is a truly wonderful idea! " ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected]
![]() Freedom of the Seas departs Port Carnveral into the storm on Sunday October 9th 2011 Dream Designs Colchester are pleased to have this opportunity to update you on the progess of our especially assigned drawing of Freedom of the Seas. On Sunday 9th October 2011, our Volunteers @ Sea, Sue & Sheila, boarded the 158,000 tonne Royal Caribbean International giant Freedom of the Seas, before departing on their 7 night Caribbean cruise. Upon departing from Port Carnveral, Freedom of the Seas encounter a very sever storm, with intensely strong winds and extremely rough seas. The 339 meter long vessel was reported to have listed some 12 degrees to port, then to starboard and back to port again. Waves of 45 feet and winds gusting up to 118mph were recorded. Due to the extreme circumstances which occurred during the start of the cruise, our Volunteers @ Sea, Sue & Sheila unfortunately did not have the opportunity to meet with the Master of Freedom of the Seas, Captain Rob Hempstead to officially present our especially assigned drawing of the vessel. Our Volunteer @ Sea, Sue, said: " The Captain was obviously very busy all week. Even though he came on stage by a side door for repeat cruisers, he gave a speech and left by the side door. He didn't stop to meet anyone. So we went to the pursers desk and the Hotel Manager said he would get it to the Captain. I asked if the Captain had a free moment to email you to say he received it. He said he would. We did the best we could under the circumstances. " Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester, said: " Although we are obviously very disappointed that our honourable Volunteers @ Sea, Sue & Sheila did not have the opportunity to meet with Captain Rob Hempstead in person to officially present our especially assigned drawing of Freedom of the Seas, we appreciate that they did the very best which they could to, considering the extreme circumstances which occurred during their cruise. " He added: " I sincerely hope that Captain Rob Hempstead will have the decency to contact us, when he has a moment free and that he was impressed with our especially assigned drawing of Freedom of the Seas. " ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] Welcome!!!![]() Cunard Line's flagship Queen Mary 2 departing Cherbourg I am truly delighted and honoured to be able to take this opportunity to personally welcome you to a very special blog post! I particularly welcome those of you who are keen followers of Dream Designs Colchester, but also welcome those who are new and have only just discovered us. On Thursday 13th October 2011, my father and I left our home in Colchester to journey to Southampton, before boarding Cunard Line's Queen Mary 2 the following day, to spend 2 nights aboard the 151,400 tonne ocean liner. I have especially divided this blog post up into different sections, in order to make it as easy as possible for you to read about the wonderful time which we had aboard Queen Mary 2! Within this blog post I hope to give you a detailed insight of the spectacular voyage we had and of course share with you many of the photographs which we took. QE2 Mile & AnchorOn the morning of Friday 14th October 2011, before boarding Queen Mary 2 my father and I, took the opportunity to explore the City of Southampton and view the anchor of Cunard Line's famous Queen Elizabeth 2. Recently we were in contact with Cunard Line and spoke about the possibility of meeting with Peter Shanks, President & Managing Director, Cunard Line before boarding Queen Mary 2. Unfortunately in the end we were sadly not given such an opportunity. A few days before leaving for Southampton, I took a few hours to 'refurbish' an old drawing of Queen Elizabeth 2, which I originally assigned in 2009. I intended to show the drawing to Peter Shanks, President & Managing Director, Cunard Line, after viewing the anchor of Queen Elizabeth 2. Whilst visiting the City of Southampton to view the anchor of Queen Elizabeth 2, I took the opportunity to have a number of photographs taken, together with my drawing of the much loved Cunarder! EmbarkationAfter viewing the anchor and taking time to get some photographs, my father and I made our way to the terminal were Queen Mary 2 was berthed. In port that day was also P&O Cruises' Azura, which my father and I were invited to the Naming Ceremony of in April 2010 by Carol Marlow, Managing Director, P&O Cruises, and also Celebrity Cruises' Celebrity Eclipse, which we have not yet had the opportunity to visit. As nearly always, the main road to the docks in Southampton was quite busy, with lots of traffic. It took us quite a while to finally get to Dock Gate 4, but once through we quickly got to the terminal, where we were directed where to park our car. Once our car was parked, we entered the QEII terminal, where we were very quickly checked in and passed through security. We then arrived in the embarkation lounge and we decided to get a quick bite to eat before boarding, as we not had much breakfast. Before long, it was almost time for us to board. We were so very lucky and were on board the ship by noon! At the same time Stephen, our Volunteer @ Sea, also sailing on this voyage, who has priority boarding was still waiting outside his hotel for a taxi. Upon boarding Queen Mary 2, we made our way immediately to our In-Hull Balcony Stateroom on Deck 5. I must admit, I made a little mistake and started looking for the Stateroom which we have in June 2012 for our Royal Rendezvous voyage! Once I realised my mistake and found the correct Stateroom, we were pleasant surprised. After finding our stateroom and putting down the luggage which we brought aboard ourselves, we decided to enjoy lunch on Deck 7 in the Kings Court buffet. We then took the chance to take a walk around the ship a little, before setting sail from Southampton later that afternoon. Southampton Sail Away!Once we had briefly explored the ship, we headed back to our Stateroom to relax a for a short while, before collecting our life jackets and attending the muster drill. Unfortunately the drill was held later than usual at 16:30 and therefore we missed Celebrity Eclipse sail past! We quickly walked back to our Stateroom to put down our life jackets and then went back up to the promenade deck on Deck 7 to wait for P&O Cruises' Azura to pass. By this time many other passengers had gathered on the outside decks and their balconies to watch sail away and Azura to pass. It was quite a spectacular sight to see Azura sail by with plenty of the passenger on board waving to passengers aboard Queen Mary 2. Both of the ships blasted their horns at each other and passengers cheered and whistled as Azura departed Southampton. After Azura had sailed past Queen Mary 2, we finally began to depart from the berth at the QEII Terminal. By this time the sun was begining to set, which made sailaway even more special with a truly beautiful sunset. You wouldn't think it was October, more like the middle of summer! We continued to enjoy the spectacular view from the Observation Deck, passing the popular shipspotting point at Calshot, where we have stood so many times as Queen Mary 2 and others ships sail by. Night 1When we had sailed clear of Calshot spit, we made our way to the Britannia Restaurant to enjoy dinner. The appetizer which was salmon and asparagus was not too nice if I'm honest, but the main course of beef ravioli was quite delicious and the desert was gorgeous! After dinner we walked around the ship a little more, watching the lights on the shore disappear off into the distance behind us as were gently voyaged to Cherbourg. We played a quick game of Shuffleboard on Deck 12 before continuing to walk around the ship. We then took the chance to explore the shops on board Queen Mary 2 and purcahsed quite a number of gifts, including a number of T-shirts, keyrings, pens and a model of the ship, as well as a number of teddy bears, one for my mother, but also our Volunteers @ Sea, Ernie & Edna who collect a bear from each ship they have been on and kindly brought us one from Aurora last December, when they presented my drawing to Captain David Pembridge on my behalf during their Christmas Caribbean cruise. In fact, we had already been to the Bookshop earlier that afternoon, I brought a 2012 diary and a pencil profile drawing print of Queen Mary 2 drawn by Simon Fisher. After visiting the shops we explored the ship more, before making our way back to our Stateroom for a relatively early night, so we would be up to watch us berth alongside Cherbourg the next morning. Cherbourg ArrivalSaturday morning we were up by 05:20 to watch Queen Mary 2 berth at the Cruise Terminal in Cherbourg. We could see the shoreline off in the distance and slowly it got closer and closer as we entered the harbor. At around 06:00 we finally berthed alongside the Cruise Terminal in Cherbourg. We decided to go back to our Stateroom for a while to get an extra few hours sleep! Cherbourg Day 1We awoke around 10:00 to beautiful clear blue skies, much like we experienced when departing Southampton the previous evening. Once fully awake, we headed for the Kings Court buffet on Deck 7 to enjoy a late breakfast! You'll soon begin to notice, we didn't stop eating! When we had finished our tasty breakfast, we took the chance to enjoy the view of Cherbourg from the ship, particularly the Observation Deck, on Deck 11 just under the Navigation Bridge. We then decided to take a short walk ashore, so made our way to the Grand Lobby on Deck 2, where the gangway was positioned. It was incredible to see Queen Mary 2 from the dock, she looked so very impressive and grand, as always! After a short walk ashore in Cherbrourg we headed back to the ship. Once back aboard we went back to the Kings Court buffet to get a bite to eat, even though we had only just had breakfast less than 2 hours before. We then returned to our Stateroom to enjoy the view and delightful weather from our very own balcony. Some of the crew were also testing some of the lifeboats and the small rescue craft too, which was good fun to watch. It was then time for yet more food and we had lunch in the Kings Court buffet again. Once again, very tasty indeed! Steak & chips were on the menu this time! After finishing lunch we took a short watch around the ship to take in the view of Cherbourg and the surrounding area. We then returned to our Stateroom once again, to rest on our balcony and watch a number of small boats pass. I then took the chance to visit the Children's area, to see if any of my drawings of Queen Mary 2 which have been presented to the ship, were displayed aboard, like they are aboard Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth. A member of crew took me into the various rooms, but sadly we did not find the drawing anywhere. So I then went to Reception in the Grand Lobby on Deck 2, where I asked if it would be possible to speak to the Captain's Secretary and meet with the Master of Queen Mary 2, Captain Kevin Oprey. I also mentioned to the Receptionist that I had met with Commodore Bernard Warner on our previous voyage in November 2010. The Receptionist, James, was kind enough to phone the Captain's Secretary, but was unable to get an answer. He then asked if I could come back later. As I was about to walk off the Captain's Secretary returned the call. James informed me that she would contact us later that afternoon via our Stateroom telephone. I then went back to our Stateroom, to inform my father of the details. We then watched a Irish Ferry arrive on the opposite side of the Port from our Stateroom balcony. After that, we went to meet with our respected Volunteer @ Sea, Stephen, his travelling companion Alan, as well as his mother and two nieces too, who we had arranged to meet in the Grand Lobby on Deck 3 at 16:30. It was nice to meet with them all once again and I took the opportunity to get a photograph taken together with Stephen and Alan, with my recently 'refurbished' drawing of Queen Elizabeth 2. We then headed for the Kings Court again for yet more food! (This was now our 3rd lunch!) After our 3rd lunch, we went back to our Stateroom, to see if the Captain's Secretary had telephoned us. Surprisingly she had and invited us to visit the bridge. ( I didn't listen to the whole message, as she wanted us to meet her on Stairwell A Deck 12 at 16:50, but when I later listened to the rest of the message she repeated the time as 17:50, for sailaway!) I was in such a rush and thought it must have been 16:50 my father and I headed for Stairwell A Deck 12, in quite a rush! We then waited for someone to exit or enter the Navigation Bridge and then asked for the Captain's Secretary. She then came out to greet us and invited us into the Navigation Bridge. Whilst on the Navigation Bridge we were lucky enough to meet with Captain Kevin Oprey who spent quite sometime talking to us and looking through the various photos I had taken from previous events in the proud history of Dream Designs Colchester! We also took the opportunity to get a photograph taken, together with my 'refurbished' drawing of Queen Elizabeth 2 from 2009. I asked Captain Kevin Oprey if he was aware what might have happened to my drawing of Queen Mary 2 which was presented to the now retired Commodore Bernard Warner in November 2010, during our 2 night voyage aboard. It is believed that he might well have taken the drawing home with him upon his retirement earlier this year. Cherbourg Sail Away!After we had visited the bridge and met with Captain Kevin Oprey we went back to our Stateroom to put down the drawing of Queen Elizabeth 2 and the portfolio folder of photos too. It was then time to head for the Observation Deck on Deck 11, to get ready for sail away from Cherbourg at 18:00. My father and I decided to watch sail away from the Observation Deck, directly under the bridge on Deck 11. Much like our sail away from Southampton the previous day, lots of passengers gathered on their balconies and on the outside decks and the sun was still shinning! At just after 18:00 the mooring lines were let loose and Queen Mary 2 began to depart the berth. Not only were so many people watching sail away aboard the ship, but hundreds of onlookers were gather on the dockside and surrounding area. Earlier that day we had overheard a number of other passengers saying that this was the last time that Queen Mary 2 would berth in Cherbourg, as Cunard have decided to use La Havre instead. Of course the French has a close connection with Queen Mary 2, as she was construction at the shipyard in St Nazaire. As we pulled further away from the dock, the security guards on the dock opened the gates and allowed the onlooker to enter the dock, walking alongside as Queen Mary 2 maneuvered slowly out of the tight berth. We then had to turn a full 180 degrees, before heading for the entrance of the harbor wall. A flotilla of small boats followed us alongside, as we departed from the berth at Cherbourg. As we got closer to the harbor wall entrance, I decided to go down onto the Promenade Deck on Deck 7, so that my father could take a photograph of me from the Observation Deck, some 5 decks above, looking along the side of the ship, to get an impression of the scale and majesty of Queen Mary 2. I took the port side external glass elevator down from Deck 11 to the Promenade Deck on Deck 7, then walked a little way along so my father could take the photographs. Whilst looking up at the camera, I saw Captain Kevin Oprey and a number of other individuals directly above the Observation Deck on the Navigation Bridge. Whilst my father was taking the photographs, the Captain waved and beckoned me up to the Navigation Bridge. (He didn't realise I was waiting for the photographs to be taken!) Once my father had taken the photographs, I briskly walked back to the elevator, took it up to Deck 11 and order my father to follow me! We took the stairs up to Deck 12 and waited in the stairwell lobby directly outside the bridge. The Captain then came out the port side door and welcomed us into the Navigation Bridge. Truly incredible! He allowed us to stay on the Navigation Bridge for quite some time, as we departed Cherbourg. It was absolutely breathtaking! The view was amazing! We spent a while talking to each other about my passion for ships and the various ships I have drawn and visited. We were also introduced to the Captain's two daughters who were aboard Queen Mary 2. It was such an honour and I felt so very privileged. I was quite emotional too, to known I was on the Navigation Bridge of the largest ocean liner ever built and the sail away had been so special too! Night 2After our magical experience during sail away and time spent on the bridge, we headed for Dinner in the Britannia Restaurant. We were already late as we had been with the Captain for so long. We just had to stop on the Promenade Deck, as the view was dazzlingly beautiful! We then rushed inside to take the elevator down to the Britannia Restaurant on Deck 3. We were over an hour and 20 minutes late! As we were so late, we were given the main course right away. I must say, it was however quite disappointing and was not very nice at all. Later that night we explored the ship a little more and decided to take a visit to Illuminations, the on board Planetarium and Cinema. We had missed most of the film, but what we did see was quite entertaining. It was then time to retire to our Stateroom, where we stood on our Balcony watching the lights slowly disappear off inside the distance. Before long, another day was over and it was time for bed, as we wanted to be up early to watch Queen Mary 2 arrive at Ocean Terminal in Southampton Southampton ArrivalWe awoke at approximately 05:20. I immediately when out onto our Stateroom Balcony to see where we were. I could see lights and knew we must be quite close to Southampton. Once we had awoken a little more, we left our Stateroom and headed for the Observation Deck, which was closed due to high winds, although it was not particularly that windy! Instead, we decided to take a short walk along the Promenade Deck. It was rather chilly, so we went back to our Stateroom to look out from our Balcony. Amazingly, within the time it took us to walk down two decks to our Stateroom, fog had completely surrounded Queen Mary 2 and began to get worse and worse. We could hear or vessels passing, but could not see a thing! The fog was so intense that we headed back to the Promenade Deck, by which time the fog had worsen further, so much so that we could hardly see the water below! It appeared that we were stationary too. Other vessels as well as Queen Mary 2, blasted their fog horns to make each other aware of their presence as the fog was so thick. We then took one of the glass external elevators up to Deck 11, to see if the Observation Deck was open. It wasn't! So we came back down, to Deck 7 and went to the other side of the ship to see if we could see anymore. To our great surprise, there was the opposite side of the dock to Ocean Terminal. We then went back to the other side, where we could see Ocean Terminal and Southampton City. Within literally minutes we had got out of the fog. Quite amazing! We went to see if the Observation Deck was open, thankfully this time it was! We could now see the fog which was unbelievable. It just stopped suddenly, like a wall! I had never seen anything quite like it. DisembarkationAfter watching Queen Mary 2 arrival alongside Ocean Terminal, it was time to enjoy breakfast in the Kings Court on Deck 7. Another very tasty typical British breakfast! It was then time to head back to our Stateroom for the last time, to pack our things and get ready to disembark Queen Mary 2. In all honesty, I was not sad to leave, as I was already slightly home sick. That's not saying I did not enjoy the voyage, it was splendid! I also knew I would be back aboard in June 2012 for the Royal Rendezvous celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty The Queen. Of course I'll also be celebrating my 18th Birthday during the voyage too! We then left our Stateroom and took the elevator down to Deck 3, before making our way to the gangway located in the Grand Lobby on Deck 3. Disembarkation was very straightforward, we took all our own luggage personally. We then left the ship, walked along the gangway, through Ocean Terminal and to the car park to find our car. It was then time to journey home to Colchester, which took a little less than 3 hours. Our voyage was truly unforgettable, with so many special moments, which we will treasure forever. Thank you!I would now like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to a number of individuals. Firstly I would like to thank you personally, for taking the time to read through this very special blog post. I do hope you enjoyed it and that I was able to give you an accurate impression of just what an amazing experience we had during our 2 night voyage aboard my favourite ship, the magnificent Queen Mary 2. I would also like to thank Reader Offers Ltd, for helping us with the booking of this voyage! I must also extend my thanks to Cunard Line, particularly the crew aboard Queen Mary 2, but especially Captain Kevin Oprey who made our voyage so much more memorable! Now we have to look forward to the spectacular forthcoming voyage in June 2012, which I am positive will be equally impressive, if not exceed this recent voyage! My very best of wishes to you all. Kind regards, Harry Cotterill President & Managing Director Dream Designs Colchester ENDS For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] ![]() Cunard Line's 151,400 tonne, flagship Queen Mary 2 Tomorrow, Thursday 12th October 2011, Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester and his father Brian Cotterill will leave Colchester to journey to Southampton, before boarding Cunard Line's flagship, Queen Mary 2 the following day. Before boarding Queen Mary 2 for their 2 night voyage aboard the vessel, they plan to visit the City of Southampton to view the anchor of the much loved Queen Elizabeth 2, which was recently donated to the City of Southampton from Dubai, where the vessel is still presently berthed. The City of Southampton were kind enough to re-name one of the main roads within the town centre 'QE2 Mile' and have created a beautiful location where the anchor has been placed. Whilst in Southampton it is also hoped that Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester and his father Brian Cotterill, will have the opportunity to briefly meet with Peter Shanks, President & Managing Director, Cunard Line. In November 2010, whilst on board Queen Mary 2, Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester was invited to the navigation bridge, where he was given the opportunity to meet with Commodore Bernard Warner and officially present his drawing of Queen Mary 2 to him personally. Please Note: The date on the photgraph above is incorrect and should read, 09/11/2010. Thank you. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester, said: " Our voyage aboard Cunard Line's gracious flagship Queen Mary 2 this weekend, will continue the strong relationship and connection which Dream Designs Colchester and Cunard Line have had for quite sometime." He added: " We are extremely proud of the connections we have with Cunard Line and are truly honour to have our drawings officially displayed aboard their famous ocean liners. " ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] ![]() Royal Caribbean International's 158,000 tonne Freedom of the Seas Today, Sunday 9th October 2011, our Volunteers @ Sea, Sue & Sheila are due to embark aboard Royal Caribbean International's 158,000 tonne giant Freedom of the Seas, together with both of their families, before setting sail on their 7 night Eastern Caribbean cruise. In August 2011, we especially assigned a drawing of Freedom of the Seas, which Sue & Sheila have kindly agreed to present to the Captain, during their annual family cruise aboard the vessel. Whilst on board, Sue & Sheila hope to be given the opportunity to offically present our drawing of Freedom of the Seas, to the Master of the vessel, Captain Rob Hempstead. In October 2010, Sue & Sheila kindly presented our drawing of Ruby Princess to Commodore Giuseppe Romano on behalf of Dream Designs Colchester their time aboard the vessel. Commodore Giuseppe Romano and his crew were most impressed with the drawing and were kind enough to graciously framed the drawing aboard for passengers to enjoy. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester, said: " Today is another momentous day for Dream Designs Colchester, as yet another of our Cruise Ship Drawings is taken aboard one of the world's leading cruise ships by our Volunteers @ Sea, with the hope that it will be presented to the Captain, like so many others have been throughout 2011. " He added: " I would like to take this opportunity to with both Sue & Sheila, as well as both of their families a pleasant cruise and I look forward to coorsponding with them upon their return. " ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] ![]() Volunteers @ Sea, John & Marilyn officially present our drawing of Norwegian Star Dream Designs Colchester are delighted to be able take this opportunity to share with you, yet more exciting news in our illustrious history of outstanding achievements and success! In August 2011 we espescially assigned a drawing of Norwegian Star, after our Volunteers @ Sea, John & Marilyn very kindly offered to present our drawing to the Master of Norwegian Star, Captain Kostas Fafalios, on behalf of Dream Designs Colchester. On Saturday 24th September 2011, our Volunteers @ Sea, John & Marilyn boarded Norwegian Star in Vancouver, before departing on their 7 night cruise aboard the vessel. During their cruise aboard Norwegian Star, our Volunteers @ Sea, were invited to the navigation bridge where they were met by Captain Kostas Fafalios and Hotel Director, Filippo Bertuzzi, as well as Anne Barbaze, Group Service Coordinator, who helped and managed with the arrangements and took the photographs during the officially drawing presentation. Dream Designs Colchester's, Volunteers @ Sea, John & Marilyn, said: " We were treated as VIP's during the entire cruise. It was an honour to be able to present the drawing on behalf of Dream Designs Colchester. " Our Volunteers @ Sea, have also informed us that they have a special package to send us from the ship, which is now on it's way to us! We are very much looking forward to receiving the package. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester, said: " I was absolutely delighted to be informed that our Volunteers @ Sea, John & Marilyn had the opportunity to officially present our drawing of Norwegian Star to the Captain of the vessel, even more so that they were lucky enough to be invited to the navigation bridge in person too! " He added: " John & Marilyn have done a fantastic job once again and we are very proud to have them as part of our team of Volunteers @ Sea, at Dream Designs Colchester. " ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] ![]() Newly built Berths 8&9 at the Port of Felixstowe Yesterday, Tuesday 4th October 2011, Dream Designs Colchester took the opportunity to view the newly built deep-sea container berths, Berths 8&9 at the Port of Felixstowe, which were formally opened on Wednesday 28th September 2011. Berths 8&9 are the only berths in the United Kingdom which are capable of handling the largest container ships which are currently on order. The brand new container terminal is equipped with five of the largest ship-to-shore gantry cranes in the world, with 2 more to arrive shortly. Each crane can operate on ships with containers stowed 24-wide on deck. This capability will allow the world’s largest and most efficient ships to import goods directly to the United Kingdom. Added to this, the new state of the art technology being introduced as part of the expansion, will combine greater levels of customer service with reduced carbon emissions. Dream Designs Colchester has followed the progress of the newly built berths for quite sometime and has also had a close connection with the Port of Felixstowe and the surrounding areas for many years now. In February 2011, Dream Designs Colchester took the opportunity to view the CSCL Star berth alongside Berths 8&9 during the vessel's maiden voyage from the Far East. CSCL Star was one the first ultra large container vessels which berthed alongside Berths 8&9. ![]() Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester and Diane Cotterill visit Shotley Gate in Suffolk, across the river from the Port of Felixstowe, the United Kingdom’s busiest container port, to see the new 14,100 TEU CSCL Star, berthed alongside at Trinity Terminal in February 2011
In April 2011, Dream Designs Colchester were lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit the world's largest container ship, Emma Maersk whilst berthed alongside the Port of Felixstowe. Whilst on board Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester was given the opportunity to officially present his drawing of Emma Maersk to the Master of the vessel. When fully developed, the Felixstowe South Reconfiguration will increase the quay length available for container handling by close to 900 metres, giving a total quay length of 1,285 metres. Together with the Port’s Trinity Terminal, the Port of Felixstowe will be able to provide a total of over four kilometres of deep-water container facilities, and total capacity at the Port of Felixstowe will be increased by nearly 50%. Construction of the second phase will commence as soon as dictated by market demand. Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester, said: " It is wonderful to know that the newly built Berths 8&9 at the Port of Felixstowe are now officially operational. It was interesting to visit Felixstowe yesterday to view the new development from the viewing point." He added: " I certainly look forward to the coming years as more and more ultra large containers are constructed and visit the Port of Felixstowe. I take particular interest in Maersk Line's new Triple-E Class, the first of which will arrive in 2013 with a capacity of 18,000 TEU." ENDS
For more information please Contact Us on the following details below Harry Cotterill, President & Managing Director, Dream Designs Colchester Mobile: 07778940245 E-mail: [email protected] |
Harry CotterillHarry Cotterill set up his blog when he was just 16-years old, making him one of the youngest cruise bloggers in the world. In later years he became known across the world for his amazing talent of drawing cruise ships! Blog Archive
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